Here is my journal from 23rd July:
No major news again today. At this point we are hanging around the 1280 area so it appears as though we will get the gap up at the open. The plan remains the same as earlier, looking for the market to pullback early on. Ideally we would hit the 1270 area but it may end up being just a close of the gap. I'll keep my eyes on 1278 to see if there is a reluctance from the stocks to drive lower.
9:45 In early on the rise here at 1277.25 with a stop at 1275.50. Initial target was at 1279 and taken pretty much right away. Reasons for the trade was 1278 resistance turned support area with volume declining on the down move and the Tick moving into positive territory. Will trail the stop, currently it is at 1276.50.
9:49 Moving stop up to 1277.25 so I don't take a loss on this trade. Registered no volume on the up move and had Tick come down to zero area. Will close out trade if we move into the negative area on the tick. Should really see some follow through buying here. Out of second position at 1278.
10:15 Not much happening in this market. Tick is remaining positive, volume is currently increasing on the moves higher. A bit mixed so I'll stay on the sidelines until we show better indications of what is happening.
10:37 I took a couple of short trades and took losses on both of them. Too early on the short side again it would seem. Second trade my platform became delayed so I couldn't see what was going on. Had to close connection and reconnect. By the time that happened I was taken out of the trade. Pretty disappointing.
10:57 Short again. In at 1286.75 with stop at 1288.75. Looking for a small 1-2-3 top after the extremes on the buying side. Initial target is at 1285. If that is reached the target after that would be 1282 area.
11:00 Initial target hit and taken. Second is now trailing. 1283 area is in fact level of concern next.
11:04 Exit taken at 1283.75 as we made a tick extreme on the selling side and look to be climaxing on the volume side. In this market I'm not willing to give the shorts much room to move.
11:14 In long here at 1284 with a bounce from the fast EMA with Tick extreme and almost volume extremes. Initial profit target at 1285.50 was hit pretty quickly.
11:20 Out at 1284.50 as we were showing signs of coming back down rather than taking off.
11:23 Time to take another look at this market unbiased to either side. We turned right at the 1290 resistance area and have since come down to meet the fast ema. We made a selling extreme on the Tick just prior to my last trade. Volume was pretty strong into the selling but we have seen bigger increases on the buying. Right now it is trend up unless something stops us from making a higher move here.
11:48 In long at 1285.50 in the chop and out at stop which was at 1284. Actually I have no idea why I entered that trade. It was not a good idea to go long so close to a resistance area. Definitely a lesson to be learnt on that one. Time to call it a night I think. An interesting day filled with too much to talk about right now. I'll get to it tomorrow.
Daily Wrap Up
Hehe, where does one start with today? No doubt my broker loves me on days like today as I made a fair few trades. Rather out of the ordinary for me but it is also why I am sort of happy with the day.
I started off pretty shaky today but managed to pull myself together and keep pushing. It is interesting to see the difference with my trading when it is my live account. I didn't follow my plan as accurately as I do when trading the simulation account.
I managed to make a good trade early on, getting on in the right direction of the market. I took a good exit with the initial weakness. There was a strong opportunity to get on again but I didn't place the trade, something to work on there.
The second trade which was a short was testing a turn at the resistance area up here. We had shown a volume extreme and a Tick extreme so it was a good trade. I took a small loss on it as I recognized we weren't too quick to move lower.
The next trade irritated me a bit because I entered short again but soon after entering my platform became delayed. I had to disconnect and reconnect to the data feed which meant I couldn't monitor the market. Not the ideal position to be in when at the most crucial part of my trade. As a result I ended up taking a maximum loss on the trade whilst reconnecting.
I took a break after that to reassess my trading which showed good signs of maturity in my trading. When I came back I saw that my previous shorts weren't such a bad idea, they were just early. I jumped in short again and made a nice trade.
The next long trade wasn't part of my plan as it was not a s/r trade. It turned out profitable but not something I want to continue doing with my trading. The last trade was of a similar mode and something that was pretty much the opposite of my trading style.
I feel like I am writing negative stuff here which doesn't really match what I think about the day. It was good that I took so many trades today, I would say it was over trading but it was what I needed to get rid of some trading jitters. It showed me that I can trade with my live account, take some decent losses but I also make some decent gains. I was pretty close to break even today after brokerage so it was not an expensive learning curve.
Ideally I can now get on with the trading according to the plan with my live account. For following my plan today I give myself a 'D'. It's pretty hard to get below a 'D' so I can look forward to improving on that tomorrow.
Trade 1a: 1.75 Win
Trade 1b: 0.75 Win
Trade 2a: 0.5 Loss
Trade 2b: 0.5 Loss
Trade 3a: 2.0 Loss
Trade 3b: 2.0 Loss
Trade 4a: 1.75 Win
Trade 4b: 3.0 Win
Trade 5a: 1.75 Win
Trade 5b: 0.5 Win
Trade 6a: 1.5 Loss
Trade 6b: 1.5 Loss

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